Explanded 101 List - #8 and #9
8. I can't spell and would be helpless without spell check. No explanation needed- just keep reading you will see it.
9. My kids make fun of the fact I can't spell.
You know my 101 list is really quite boring at times! Eight and nine are not exciting. They are however very true. So true in fact that there are times when I'm so off on the spelling of a particular word that even spell check can't figure out what the heck I'm trying to spell!! I have owned the Random House Basic Speller for as long as I can remember. I don't know why I have this trait. It may be connected to my lack of hearing tones and notes. Can I blame that?? Who cares really I can't spell and I must have spell check and that's all there is to it!
Ok I ran my spell check, any guesses at the two words it had to correct?
9. My kids make fun of the fact I can't spell.
You know my 101 list is really quite boring at times! Eight and nine are not exciting. They are however very true. So true in fact that there are times when I'm so off on the spelling of a particular word that even spell check can't figure out what the heck I'm trying to spell!! I have owned the Random House Basic Speller for as long as I can remember. I don't know why I have this trait. It may be connected to my lack of hearing tones and notes. Can I blame that?? Who cares really I can't spell and I must have spell check and that's all there is to it!
Ok I ran my spell check, any guesses at the two words it had to correct?