Some friends of mine have a list of 101 random things so to go with the flow I've been convinced to post one for me. So here's mine. Lets see if I can come up this on my own or if I have to enlist help from my kiddos. It may be fun to hear their thoughts....then again maybe not! LOL 1. My husband will hate this list! 2. I have 4 children- Kayla, Jordan , Eric and Sam 3. We have one dog that would have to leave if she became high maintenance or annoying! 4. I lived in San Jose, Ca from July 1990 until Dec. 1992 5. I was born in Rochester, MN at St. Mary's Hospital Feb 1st, 1972 at 11:55pm. 6. I moved 19 times before my 18th birthday. 7. My family was.... well shall we say..... dysfunctional. 8. I can't spell and would be helpless without spell check. 9. My kids make fun of the fact I can't spell. 10. My first job was at Burger King. 11. I have always wanted to be a nurse. 12. I have wanted to be a peds or NICU nurse for about 3 years now. 13. I am not a nurse. 14....