Jesus and a Swimming Pool
Sam is A CONSTANT form of entertainment. He's been so funny at night when we do our prayers and I'm really trying to figure out a way to set up the video camera so that he doesn't know it. He won't perform so a sneak attack is the only way to capture this. We read Devotions for Preschoolers at night, last night the reading was entitled "With Jesus". The little girl Zoe had a goldfish that lives in water (duh?), anyway it said "the water is exactly what Zoe's goldfish needs to live. The bible says that people need Jesus to live. When you have Jesus in your heart, he is with you to help you in everything you do." Then at the end is says "Aren't you happy your not a goldfish? You don't need a bowl of water. You need Jesus!"
Sam was not completely convinced, so when he folded his hands his prayer went something like this:
Dear God, thank you for the fish, thank you for Jesus, thank you for my family, thank you for my friends, maybe because I better get a bigger bowl of water, like maybeeeee , hmmm a swimming pool would be good. Yes God a swimming pool would be bery nice. Amen
Rick and I were cracking up! Just simply writing about his doesn't do it justice. He's so darn cute