Maybe It Was The Milkman?


So last night while getting the boys ready for bed I discovered that someone felt the need to decorate one of the walls with some black crayon. I really wasn't feeling well and didn't really want to deal with it right then. So this morning Eric was playing next to the spot where the offense took place. Here's how it goes.

Me: "Eric, what's this on the wall."  ( I point to the art work )

Eric: "It's a ghost mom." ( which by the way it did resemble a ghost )

Me: "Well how did that ghost get on the wall?"

Eric "I don't know, maybe Sam put it there."

So I called Sam over to the crime scene.  "Sam come here please"

Sam- "What?"

Me: "Sam what's this?" (pointing to the offense)

Sam: "Nothing"

Me: "Sam how did this nothing get there?"

Sam: "I don't know, Eric did it"

Eric: "I didn't do it"

Me: "Well someone did it."

Eric: "Maybeeeee Jordan did it.... oh that Jordan"

Ok at this point I'm in awe. I DID NOT expect this. Now I know which one of my boys has a history of untruths and I also know that when the evidence is stacked he normally fesses up. Well not this time. I called Rick to see if he had already looked into this, thinking maybe some fear was already in place and nope, he hadn't seen it either until later. So I went to revisit the situation. At this point my little angels are upstairs getting dressed and making beds. ( something I'm very proud of) So again I'm with the two of them and I say.

Me: "Guys, mommy really wants to know who put that Ghost on the wall"

Sam: "Jordan did it"

Mommy: "no Jordan didn't do it"

Eric: "Kayla did it or maybe Daddy"

Sam: "yeah maybe Daddy, when he not workin"

At this point I'm stumped. I'm thinking of being creative about this as I really want this lesson at least be a memory for a while. Thinking......

to be continued


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