Dash and The Bubble Machine


This is how Sam has looked for a few days now. With the exception of clean underwear and socks he has worn this outfit for 3 days now. Oh he did change into PJ's last night which was an improvement from the night before. His latest is The Incredibles and of course his favorite character is Dash. I was out shopping on Tuesday and ran across this sweatshirt on clearance, well needless to say we'll get all our money out of it! Sam is so funny how he gets so passionate about his loves and superheros is one of them. Buzz still holds a important place in Sam's world, although he doesn't travel everywhere with us anymore, Dash has taken over some of Buzz's responsibilities. In fact right now as I type Dash and Sam are repairing the "bubble machine" (aka, the elliptical machine) The bubble machine comes equipped with  seats for Dash and Bob, a back seat for books and a built in computer. The wheels are constantly going flat and needing repairs. Last night while he was giving Daddy a ride in the bubble machine Sam was telling Daddy it was really a mess and really, really, needed to get fixed up. Smile His imagination is great. I was so content last night watching he and Rick play in the bubble machine.  ___________________________________________________________________

Sam loves writing his name and this morning he came to me with a unsharpened pencil. "mommy, can you wind this up?" (sharpen the pencil) After I sharpened it Sam said "thanks, now the write works again". Too funny.Open-mouthed smile


Temper temper.... boy oh boy have I got some work to do on his temper tantrums. He's now added a jumping feature along with the arm flapping, all while screaming at the top of his lungs.... I need a new plan. Redirection and time out is not real effective  anymore and his tongue is sharp. Need to get that trained or tamed soon. That's a tough one.


Glasses continue to go well. He's very good about keeping them on. We've got a bit of a routine finally for the drops. Two hersey kisses and reminding him how brave he is does the trick. We still have tears, some days more than others but for the most part it's pretty uneventful. Follow up in May 5th. Praying for improvement in that bad eye.


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