Not much happening in Eric's world this week. He's been fighting off a cold and cough. It really hasn't been that bad but enough that he's looking even more pale and a little tired. We decided to rent a playstation game on Wednesday, I figured that would keep him at bay so his little body would re-group. I found a race game that I thought he and Rick would love and as we were leaving he spotted a Hot Wheels Stunt Challenge. He picked it up and hugged it. I said "Eric remember we can only keep it 5 days" He relied with "Can we just keep it 100 days, I really love it" I guess we'll see what Monday brings when I have to return it. Could be a birthday idea.... ( hint hint )
Last week it was so nice here. And when I say nice I mean about 45 degrees and sunny. To any Minnesotan that's tropic. Anyway, Eric pulled out the T-Ball set, which in itself surprised me. He's never really showed interest in anything but race tracks and riding his bikes "really fast". He must have hit that ball for 3 hours last Thursday. And then when Rick came home he went back out to show him. Friday and Saturday managed to be great days for ball practice. This week we have snow again and once this week he mentioned going outside to hit the ball. I suppose he could hit in the snow. We might have to find something besides a white ball! I'd be willing to bet if he likes hitting a ball with a bat he'll probably love hitting a ball with a golf club. Daddy, get ready you may just get to golf again someday
Rick and I had a regularly scheduled conference with Eric's preschool teacher this week. She is very pleased with his progress socially and thinks he'll do great in Kindergarten. So I called and found out the necessary steps to get him registered. The lady on the phone was a bit put off that I hadn't called before now and I was told to get there as soon as possible. ( oops ) I guess she just doesn't understand that I’M JUST NOT READY!! The pressure, I tell ya!
Last weekend Eric was sitting at the table eating lunch and he was counting in Spanish. I can go to 10 pretty easily thanks to Dora but after that I'm lost. Eric not only kept going but I finally said to Kayla (who took Spanish last year) "is he still counting?" Kayla said "higher than I ever got to and I took Spanish!". Eric has learned this from his Discovering God's World class. Not only does he count to 30 in Spanish he can ask you your name and ask about your day. When his classmates ask about his day he can reply with either, very good, very bad or OK. There was a few other things that he knows and the other night he asked if he should say his prayers in Spanish. Yikes. I'm not sure I'm ok with my child knowing a language I don't! We're still praying in English, thank goodness!