On A Roll


Jordan seems to be on a roll. He's really had some down times since middle school has started and we just ended week 3 of what I would call really normal boy stuff. Before this our normal was not would most would agree with and there have been a lot of things put in place both with Jordan and within our home that we felt were necessary. It gets wearing and being Jordan's mom has proved to be somewhat of a sprint race at times. Just go as fast as you can to keep up. It can be very exhausting. I see Jordan is really trying. I've watched something in him light up. He's growing a desire to submit to his Heavenly Father and not trying so hard to get that control. So as I type this I can't help but think... oh but will it last?, will I write this down only to have next week be the big plunge?. I want so badly for him to not have to learn all of his lessons the hard way. Something I read some where this week reminded me that instead of taking Jordan so personally and praying about what I should do or asking what I'm doing wrong I should maybe put my pride away. This is most likely not about me. He's turning 13 in a few months, he's on his own journey and not only has he started taking things in his life to heart he will need to walk his own path. I wonder at times how or if I've interfered with that.  I pray that he just continue to feel the pull of God on his heart. That's what will turn him around, only then will he be convinced how much value he holds not only in God's eyes but in the eyes of those who just want to love him.


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