Berry Cute
I tell ya, when Sammy boy is not causing trouble he is about the cutest little guy I've ever encountered. He's got a wit about him that really sets he and his siblings apart. This morning at breakfast he was explaining to me that he didn't want to be 4 on his birthday. He has his reasons the most important being that he wants to be "tix hundred five seven" That's not a spelling error on six that's how he says it. He then was telling me about how berry good his cereal was and how berry special it is! ( foot loops ). He's very expressive about everything. Today has been just a perfect example of the many moods he displays in a day. When he woke up he very quickly told me he might need a bucket... (thankfully he never filled it) then he threw his head back in distress and sent me for his glasses "I CAN'T SEE MAMA" Don't worry it's not quite that bad. Sammy I could just squeeze you all day. I love it when you decide your not going assault everyone in your path!
The first picture is Sam’s baby pic with me photo shopped in with him.To all those that say he looks like Rick.... HA!