101 List

Some friends of mine have a list of 101 random things so to go with the flow I've been convinced to post one for me. So here's mine. Lets see if I can come up this on my own or if I have to enlist help from my kiddos. It may be fun to hear their thoughts....then again maybe not! LOL 1. My husband will hate this list! 2. I have 4 children- Kayla, Jordan , Eric and Sam 3. We have one dog that would have to leave if she became high maintenance or annoying! 4. I lived in San Jose, Ca from July 1990 until Dec. 1992 5. I was born in Rochester, MN at St. Mary's Hospital Feb 1st, 1972 at 11:55pm. 6. I moved 19 times before my 18th birthday. 7. My family was.... well shall we say..... dysfunctional. 8. I can't spell and would be helpless without spell check. 9. My kids make fun of the fact I can't spell. 10. My first job was at Burger King. 11. I have always wanted to be a nurse. 12. I have wanted to be a peds or NICU nurse for about 3 years now. 13. I am not a nurse. 14. I've often thought about being a surrogate mother. 15. I've been so blessed by my children that I've been brought to tears. 16. I've been so stressed by my children that I've been brought to tears. 17. I love MOPS ( mothers of preschoolers) 18. I accepted Christ as my personal savior when I was 19 and re-committed my life to Jesus in 2003. 19. I have 7 siblings with one being 61 days older than I. ( figure that one out! ) 20. I knew the first time I kissed my husband that he was going to be my husband. 21. I'm horrified of planes and horses. 22. I love to read. 23. I recently packed up all my non-christian novels. 24. I just went back and put periods on my sentences so Melissa and Doni would be ok with them! 25. My real name is Melissa Ann 26. I love a clean house but hate cleaning. 27. I love to shop for kids clothes. 28. I really need to loose 30 pounds. 29. I love Praise and Worship music. 30. I had posters of Michael Jackson and Rob Lowe on my walls as a teenager. 31. My first concert was RATT. 32. I've seen KISS, Bon Jovi, Bob Segar, Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, and a few misc Hip Hop groups. 33. I used to be on the Rochester Swim team. 34. I was a smoker until 1999. 35. I had my first child at 19 and my last at 30. 36. I wish I read more to my children. 37. I wish I were a better cook. 38. I love pizza with lots of stuff on it. 39. My grandmother passed away when I was 6 and I've always looked forward to seeing her again someday in heaven. 40. I've identified a dead body. 41. I never want to do that again. 42. I am now a Creative Memories Consultant. 43. I have fake plants because I kill real ones! 44. I love American Idol and this is the first season I've watched it. 45. I watch All My Children on occasion but used to watch on a regular basis. 46. I try to stay awake on Monday nights to watch Jay Leno Headlines. 47. My favorite show as a child was Little House on the Prairie and I still watch the reruns. 48. My favorite sitcom was Cosby Show. 49. My favorite color is blue and pink. 50. I want long straight thin hair. ( It's med length and very thick and wavy) 51. I would love to vacation across the country to just simply visit with friends. 52. We've vacationed at the same lake every year for 24 years the week of July 4th. 53. I didn't have my drivers license until I was 18. And I never took driver's ed. (Rick will vouch for that!  54. My husband drives too fast. 55. I use my cell phone too much. 56. Emails from friends make my day. 57. I'm not crafty. 58. I wish I were more crafty. 59. I have simple deco in my home ( lack of craftiness!) 60. My wedding day was perfect. 61. I love to golf with my husband and can't wait to be able to do that more. 62. I don't tan easy but always think I do. 63. I hate bugs. 64. I've had a lot of pets and either gave them to my mom or gave them away. Our dog is safe! 65. I love our church. 66. I drive a Suburban but want to go back to a sedan. 67. When I was a waitress I waited on Billy Graham. 68. I believe that good things are not always fair. 69. I believe you can overcome anything. 70. I don't like being angry. 71. I used to be very fearful. 72. I'm still fearful that someone I love will die in a car accident. 73. I believe that no matter what things could always be worse. 74. I love being a wife and mom. 75. I don't always think I'm a very good wife and mom. 76. I really should be doing house work right now. 77. I want to write a book. 78. I love to speak. 79. I think I'm good at speaking. 80. I want to continue to study and know the bible. 81. I want my sons to grow to be Godly men, fathers and husbands. 82. I want my daughter to have a strong, handsome godly husband. 83. My Grandma Lorraine taught me I don't have to like someone to love them. 84. I've never been arrested. 85. I should have been arrested a few times! 86. I haven't drank alcohol since August 20th, 1994. 87. My husband is very gifted and talented at almost everything he sets out to do. 88. I used to love to dance but was not very good at it. 89. I really enjoy watching figure skating. 90. I cry when I bring my children to shows like Sesame Street or the Circus. I love the excitement in their eyes. 91. I sat on Elmo's lap back stage and have the picture to prove it! 92. At my funeral I want lots of music and Pizza. I Can Only Imagine is one of the songs and Power of Your Love. 93. I really like mushrooms, deep fried from my favorite restaurant. 94. I'm really into forensic science stuff. 95. I throw up if one of my kids throws up. 96. I know lots of random things that always seems to come in handy. 97. I would be lost with out coffee. I drink at least 5 cups or more a day. Half and Half and Splenda are a must. 98. I don't like rudeness. 99. I don't like slow drivers but if you tailgate me I drive slow! 100. I love scrap booking but don't find enough time to do it. 101. I'm glad I'm done with this list!


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