Too Busy
Kayla has become quite the social butterfly. Her schedule is such that I'm beginning to wonder when or if I'll get penciled in! I worry about this. I worry when I hear her talking about when to schedule in her homework, or going to bed at 8:00 because she's exhausted from her day. I could worry or I could look at it and think about how she's learning to take care of herself when she's tired, how she's not overlooking the priorities that need to be done. Stepping back to let her go is a little is tricky. It's one of the greatest challenges of parenting a teen. I watch for clues, hope I catch them and then either pull in a little or let go a little more.
We're getting ready for a few milestones. Braces should be coming off in the next few weeks. Wow has it been 2 1/2 years already? I can't wait to see that beautiful metal-free smile! Another thing that we'll be talking about soon is ... oh dare I say it.. driver's ed. Yep, driver's ed. My baby girl will have one more tool of independence and I have such mixed feelings about that. The part that really frightens me if having Rick teach her how to drive! That's all this world needs is him mentoring drivers! ( lol )
As I write she's upstairs fast asleep, it's almost 1pm. There was a lock in at church last night and I'm quite sure she didn't sleep. Based on her mood when I picked her up she should probably stay tucked in for a least another 6 hours!