Please Stop Screaming!


I feel like I've said this to Sam so much this week. He's very quick to jump into scream fits and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY! Confused smile

He jumps up and down and waves his hands in the air while screaming at the top of his lungs what he's so upset about. I'm trying very hard to tell him if he screams I won't help him. I've even gone as far as to tell him if he screams I'll throw in the garbage whatever it is that he's screaming about. We do time outs in his room until he's done, only his tongue is way out of line while in his room. He's sassy and very stubborn. This morning we were outside and after about the 3 temper-tam-tum Rick said, "man what's his deal" I said welcome to my life this week! He did have one really good day and I sucked in every part of it. On Thursday he was screaming and I finally put him on my lap and told him to clam down and before I knew it he was quiet and fast asleep on my chest. I let him stay sleeping while cuddled with me and just enjoyed it. It almost made all the screaming worth it. I don't think it's all behavioral. He's had a runny nose this week and I think some tummy troubles as the bathroom visits seem to be pretty urgent. On top of not feeling the greatest we're still regular on the eye drops. We played outside most of the morning and decided to come in and watch a movie. I got up to go check on him because normally he laughs at his favorite parts, or at least has some sound effects that he throws in and I've heard nothing. He's fast asleep in the rocking chair. Wow! He really must not feel good. Sam doesn't slow down much when he's sick, he keeps going and just gets everyone and anything out of his way! Rick has a cold now too, maybe the two of them can bond over some chicken noodle soup later! Sick smile

I was going through the boys artwork from last month. Some I keep in a book, some things I take pictures of and now some things I can scan! (thanks mom) Anyway I found this and was amazed how clearly he wrote his S A M. He's been writing his name for a while now but is really improving. We can thank the doodle-pro for that. What a great way to practice.



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